The Ultimate Facial Sauna
One of the great benefits of sauna and steam baths are the toning effects on the skin. They leave the skin soft, supple, and glowing – in short, beautiful. Regular users of sauna and steam baths have an appealing healthy glow about them that adds to their attractiveness.
The reason that sauna and steam are so good for the skin is the deep cleaning action caused by heavy perspiration. The pores open wide and all the accumulated dirt can be easily washed out.
The best benefits for skin toning come from full body sauna, but those looking for a quick fix-up to their complexion can get similar results from facial sauna systems. These ‘mini-saunas’ are designed to apply steam to the face for the same deep-cleaning action as a full sauna or steam bath.
How They Work
A facial sauna has an electric heating element on the bottom of the unit. It heats the water (which is held in a small reservoir) to the boiling point, causing the steam to rise. The small size of the reservoir ensures that steam is quickly produced.
An ergonomically designed mask is placed over the reservoir to capture and funnel the steam to your face. You can control the amount of steam that your face is exposed to by the distance of the mask to your face.
Bringing your face into direct contact with the mask gives the maximum deep cleaning action, but this position should only be used for a few moments at a time. After about 10 seconds, raise your head to allow cooler air to be mixed with steam. Repeat this cycle as many times as needed.
Facial saunas are not only for deep cleansing the skin; they are also useful for unclogging stuffed sinuses. Anyone with a simple cold or a more serious condition like bronchitis, sinusitis, asthma and hay fever can use the facial sauna as an inhaler or vaporizer.
Some facial saunas have a separate inhaler attachment. Instead of fitting over the entire face, the inhaler attachment fits over the nose and mouth. Simply breathe in the steam to provide almost instant relief from sinus pain.
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